

We prioritize building a supportive and skilled community. Our team members are our greatest asset and we invest in their training and education to provide the best services possible.

Code of Conduct Training

Code of Conduct

PT. Arthawenasakti Gemilang has established a Business Ethics and Code of Conduct (code of conduct) that serves as a guideline and applies to all personnel of PT. Arthawenasakti Gemilang, from the Board of Directors to all employees, in their work and interactions with fellow employees and external stakeholders.

To ensure that the code of conduct is understood and followed by all employees, PT. Arthawenasakti Gemilang has conducted socialization in the form of Code of Conduct training. After the training is completed, all employees sign a Declaration Letter containing a statement of their willingness to comply with all provisions outlined in the Code as a commitment to adherence.

Code of Conduct Training

Safety Training

Training covering various occupational safety topics, including identifying potential hazards in the workplace, implementing a 5S culture, hazard identification methods, accident reporting and recording, machine and work tool technical training, as well as safe driving techniques.

Code of Conduct Training

Safety Talk

A routine 5-10 minute briefing at the start of the workday, led by the team leader, aimed at reminding all team members to prioritize workplace safety.

Code of Conduct Training

Performance Management System (PMS)

PMS evaluation serves as a platform for setting work targets (Maintaining Plan) and skill matrices (Improvement Plan) that employees must master, which are then evaluated by their supervisors. PMS evaluations also serve as a tool to analyze strengths and areas for improvement to help employees achieve set performance targets, which are incorporated into their Development Plan.

Code of Conduct Training


Gugus Kendali Mutu, it's a forum held by each department to discuss various issues faced by the team, with the goal of finding solutions and supporting their implementation.

Code of Conduct Training


An integral study of workers, tasks, tools, workplace, and work environment aimed at creating a safe and comfortable work environment. The goal is to enhance work effectiveness and efficiency, including the use of comfortable tools, reducing errors, increasing productivity, promoting safety, reducing fatigue and stress, improving job satisfaction, and enhancing quality of life.

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